Be careful out there. This link, while it lasts, takes you to a L Roberts fake or mis-attribution on eBay 10/23/10.
http://cgi.ebay.com/HighWayMen-L-Roberts-Vintage-Swamp-Landscape-/170555564910?pt=Art_Paintings&hash=item27b5e7636eWell here we go, boys and girls. I understand how this can happen, but.........
here's what the seller writes in his description : (copy/paste)
After much research the Highwaymen signed their work in many formats / ways depending on what they had and could afford for tools and paint at that time.
I personally cannot portray that this is one of Livingston Roberts earlier pieces- but it does carry the ambience of one through his style, technique and vivid colors.
All of Livingston Roberts paintings of Florida landscapes are painted in oils on Upson board or Masonite. He signed each work in a way unusual for many Highwaymen –
******by scratching "L. Roberts" into the wet paint with a PALETTE knife.******
First he states that Roberts always scratched in the signature. Then he shows a nice close-up of a painted-on signature. Go figure.
L Roberts sometimes painted on his signature, so this seller/researcher's first premise was incorrect to begin with. Although signed L Roberts, the signature was not done by "highwayman" L Roberts, maybe it was done by Leo Roberts or Lenora Roberts or Lucy Roberts, an amateur grandmotherly hobbyist/painter.
The signature is wrong, one indication is that Livingston used a lower case "b", as in L, RObERTS" when he signed. Don't know why, but he did.
I might as well mention that the style is wrong, the technique is wrong and Livingston painted on canvases and canvasboards as well as upson and masonite.
The most obvious difference between this painting and a genuine L Roberts painting is the talent level portrayed by the finished product. Livingston was talented.
This L Roberts, whoever it may be, ain't what you could call "talented".
Or maybe someone just added the signature for fun and possible profit, although that would be against the law, so that certainly wouldn't happen, eh ?
Be careful out there.